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What is a Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU)?  The City of Atlanta is divided into twenty-five Neighborhood Planning Units or NPUs, which are citizen advisory councils that make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on zoning, land use and other planning issues. The NPU system was established in 1974 to provide an opportunity for citizens to participate actively in the Comprehensive Development Plan, which is the city’s vision for the next five, ten, and fifteen years. It is also used as a way for citizens to receive information concerning all function of city government. The system enables citizens to express ideas and comment on city plans and proposals while assisting the city in developing plans that best meet the needs of their communities. Click Here for a copy of the NPU-D Bylaws. 

Which NPU is Riverside in? Riverside is a member of NPU-D along with Whittier Mill Village, Bolton, Hills Park, Berkely Park, Blandtown, and Underwood Hills.  Click Here for NPU-D Bylaws. 

When does NPU-D meet? NPU-D meets the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm at the AGAPE Community Center, 2351 Bolton Road, Atlanta, GA 30318. Click Here for this Month's NPU-D Agenda. 


NPU-D Riverside Representative:

NPU-D Riverside Alternate:

NPU-D Chair: James Martin,

NPU-D Planner: Nate Hoelzel

Zoning Representative: James Martin,

DCP Director: Leah LaRue

Email to sign up for the monthly meeting notes.  Don't forgot to indicate you want notices for "NPU-D."

Click Here for NPU-D Past Agendas

Click Here for NPU-D Past Meeting Minutes